Was i right to give a second chance?

So im 16, my boyfriend is 17. We've been together for a year. When we got together, I was 15, he had just turned 17. About 2 months into it, he cheated. Well we both did. He didnt like sleep with anyone or kiss them. But he flirted. He told his ex he missed her, another girl he loved her, and at 4 months he told another girl he loved her and wanted her. The same times, I talked to guys, flirted. Even kissed a guy. 
We would always fight but somehow we fixed it. Our anniversary was a little over a week ago. Right now we are great and i love him alot. We both are jealous but it doesnt really cause problems anymore. Each day we seem to get stronger. Anyways, I was just thinking back.. 
We are both young, and stupid. There's no way we knew what we wanted. We didnt know how to be in a relationship. 
Alot of people say "once a cheater always a cheater." But i cheated.. Amd wouldn't do it again.
He was a bit of a player, as was I. 
Im just asking for opinions because i wonder if im right, that at a young age, we both weren't sure who we are or what we wanted. Especially him. 
And please don't say things like "oh you wont last your too young blah blah" 
I dont care about the future or us lasting. I care about the present and only the present.