Can't seem to get myself help

I was raped by my roommate a little over a year ago and I started going to therapy after that, but quickly after starting I just stopped going. I still can't rationalize why I didn't keep going because it was starting to help. Now I can't even bring myself to make a normal doctor appointment let alone actually go to it. I just get so anxious and end up just sitting at home instead of going. I don't understand why I keep doing this.
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I was sexually assaulted by a boyfriend when I was in high school. It happened for about 4 months and he never used protection. I was always scared that I was going to get pregnant or that someone would be able to tell that I wasn't a virgin anymore. I was always so scared of going to the doctor because I thought they would know I had sex. It doesn't make sense and it was really paranoid. My parents were just so strict and harsh that I never thought I could tell them what was going on; they still don't know.  Even though I have worked on my issues, I am still anxious about doctor's offices to this day. 


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I need help, I don't know what to do or why I do this. Has anyone else experienced this? Or am I just anomaly?


Atiba • Nov 19, 2014
It's ok for someone to ask for help, the question is what do you need help with? Communication? Expressing how you feel?


Posted at
I never went to therpy bc I'm way to shy to tell a complete stranger my darkest secret. I still hold on to the sexual assault and rape till this day. It hurts so bad bc I went in to depression hard. Didn't do anything. I carry 2 pocket knives with me now. Only way I was actually able to talk about it was with my current boyfriend bc he actually cares about me to listen.


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This reaction is totally normal. I had probably started and stopped therapy  10 times before I kept up with it. Anxiety is a really common problem after an assult.