Concerned about a short LP

So this was my first cycle temping and  using opks. I always just trusted glow when I ovulated and when I was fertile and it always assumed I ovulated around cd 15 or 16. But I didn't get s positive opk until cd 18. And based on my temps looks like I ovulated cd 19. My cycle is usually around 28-30 days usually. Today was the day glow had originally predicted for af to start. But it got shifted to the 11th with my positive opk. But if I do start today that would make my LP only like 9-10 days long which I know is too short. I know that that too short of an LP can prevent pregnancy so I'm a little scared. I know I haven't started af yet but it still makes me nervous. I guess at least if I do I will know that there is an issue and can try to fix it. 
I dunno I'm probably just worrying for nothing... But my temps have been dropping the last three days like af is coming. I dunno...