BTDT moms mucus plug question...


How soon after did u go into labor after losing your mucus plug? I'm a FTM and lost some today so I don't know what's next?? I will be 40 wks tomorrow too so at least some progress is being made!
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Two weeks! 


Alana • Nov 13, 2014
39 weeks and I had him at 41. With my first I lost it two weeks prior and never went into labor but had a scheduled c-se


Michelle • Nov 12, 2014
How far are along were u when mucus plug came out?


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When you start having contractions, then you're close. I had painful contractions for at least 2 days before my water broke.


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I lost mine on a Tuesday n my water broke early Sunday morning but my son came via c section but to being breach. 


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I don't know when I lost my mucous plug. I have heard it could still be a while. I went to 40weeks 3days when my water broke.