Has this happened--late period?

Hello women, 
I have been trying to get pregnant for 6 months now. I used a method reccommended by my gyno that was; count day 1-first day of period; on the 10th cycle day have inter course every other day for 10 days straight. Did that for 5 months... Nothing. 
So last month I used clear blue digital ovulation tests everyday aftery my period ended. On day 32---finally was my ovulating day. So we had intercourse for the next 2 days. 
My period was late; then today on day 51 of my cycle I FINALLY start my period, negative on pregnancy tests... Never felt symptoms of starting either...no sore boobs, no cramps, like I usually have. Also, my period is very very light....? I'm nervous and wanting to know what's going on? 
Any advice....