Can't sleep!!

Maribel • . <3
I've had so much trouble sleeping.. I literally can stay up all night.. I feel so tired & once I lay down and get comfortable, I'm wide awake. It really sucks cuz my SO just turns around and falls asleep in seconds while I'm up all night. I hate it! Is there anything I can do to help me sleep? it's currently 5:22 am & I haven't had any sleep....
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Posted at
Sleepy Time Tea!


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Have you tried melatonin? It&apos;s a natural sleep aid available at most stores in the vitamin section.


wishing&hoping • Nov 13, 2014
its a pain for sure


Maribel • Nov 13, 2014
it sucks!! i hate not being able to sleep. i feel so helpless :(


wishing&hoping • Nov 13, 2014
same here Maribel only thing that puts me out is benydrol or however its spelled lol but it knocks me down for 2hrs at most and when i wake up I'm more tired


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Eurgh I feel you. Had this problem my whole life too. Wish I had the answers. Good luck x


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I was in the same boat! See your doc. If you are not against meds they may be able to prescribe you something. This is all that has worked for me. Sweet dream dust!! If you're drinking, this can add to the problem. Hmmm sometimes help it though. But don't do dat!&nbsp;


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Try Benadryl&nbsp;


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Same here... I&apos;m always so tired but can never seem to get sleep... Drs told me to take melatonin and that didn&apos;t do shit ? oh well thank goodness for tea/coffee


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I gave myself 1:30am the latest.. Closed all lights to try to sleep and it helps most of the time. &nbsp;But theirs certain times that it takes me longer to sleep that's when I think too much. But turning the lights off does help and tea.


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Take magnesium at night. It works.&nbsp;


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Tylenol pm!!&nbsp;Read a book&nbsp;I promise these 2 will do it&nbsp;