Trying to conceive for years!!!

I've trying to conceive for years, please excuse my English since is not my first language, I have 2 miscarriages with my ex-husband now I'm engaged and I have 2 d&c's plus some polyps and scar tissue removal surgery!! My blood test are find , my hormone levels are find , my tyroids are findand at one point even my OB doesn't understand how I haven't been pregnant!!! The thing is I told him to give me some Clomid and he did to see if that helps me but I never been diagnosed with infertility. I still trying and nothing!!! My friends told me to stop being anxious but I don't think is that!!! My now fiancé has a son already but still body change and is kind on overweight, I lost 51 lbs!!! Any suggestions???? I'm 33!!