How do you deal with jealousy?

I know in Islam jealousy is bad and you are supposed to be thankful and satisfiesd with what Allah has given you so gracefully. However when I see my pregnant coworker that works with me everyday all day, I subconsciously don't want to be around her because then I move into a corner and just cry. She Masha Allah has an amazing life, got pregnant quickly and as soon as she got married. I recently read a hadith that meant jealousy destroys good deeds as quickly as fire burns wood, and of course I don't want that...but I am having a lot of trouble with it. And I know Allah is testing me when Allllllll (I promise you my friends, my cousins, my coworkers) are pregnant and I am not, but I am human....and I do get jealous. Other than prayer, how do you deal with jealousy?