Angry, frustrated, and sad all at the same time.

Finally! A place to vent my frustration. My husband and I have been ttc for 7 years. In this span we have had 4 miscarriages. I haven't shared this information with my family since the 1st mc when we were told that maybe children just aren't meant for us. While I am fairly sure this wasn't meant to be hurtful it still did hurt me and made me afraid to share anything else. My family is very religious but I have found myself losing faith the more I hear that it isn't God's plan for me. I don't know how to respond to that and I do my best to hold back the tears. Every year since my husband and I started ttc one of my siblings has given birth. It is so hard seeing them all with their beautiful babies but not being able to do it myself. One of my sisters told me that maybe I should just be content with being everyone's favorite aunt. Another of my sisters has a beautiful 5 year old that my husband and I love so much, we provide a huge chunk of his financial support as my sister does not make enough to support them fully. When it comes to her I love her so much, she is my only younger sister the other 7 girls are older than me but her and I grew up together. In the last 3 years she has become pregnant three and had an abortion each time. I am not debating the morality or any religious ideals about abortion, that is not the discussion I wish to have. My issue with her is that each time she told my husband and I about the pregnancy and asked if we would be willing to adopt the child then proceeded to have an abortion; she also has a nasty habit of waiting until fairly late into the pregnancy (or at least late to me, so much so that she has to travel to another state to have them done) and then expecting sympathy from me. The last one was particularly hard on me as I had just suffered a miscarriage and my husband was deployed when she called me crying and hysterical about the abortion. I didn't know how to deal with it so I hung up. We have both had all kinds of testing done and the only thing that pops out is male factor infertility due to low count and low motility; each doctor tells us there is no reason that we can't conceive on our own and no reason that they can find for the miscarriages. We have tried 3 IUIs with Clomid and were supposed to move on to <a href="">IVF</a> but deployments for husband keep coming up. For my husband having children is extremely important as it is for me but I think due to his age it is really starting to present itself more, he is 37 and I am 28. We want children so badly and seeing our family and friends having what we want is hard especially when they don't even want the children that they do have. I just needed some place to vent, not having anyone to talk to about this is very hard and sometimes it just isn't enough to talk to your spouse.