Q of the day Dec 5- work/employment

The question today is about work! 
What does everyone do for a living?
What jobs have you enjoyed? 
Did you go to school or do any training to get where you are? 
How many jobs have you had?
Any bad jobs? 
If it's work related, feel free to comment away! 
I'll go first. 
Currently I'm a stay at home mom. I hate it & love it ( I only love it becUse I get naps now! Lol) I've been unemployed for 6 months now. I worked at the best job ever previously for 4 years. I was the secretary/ "office manager" of the most popular small town auto repair shop making 14$ an hour sitting on my ass looking pretty (ok I did A LOT more than that). I learned a bunch about cars (well, Subarus- we only worked on Subarus which is why I own 2 of them) && I loved the guys I worked with (I enjoyed working with men more than women). But sadly, I got fired due to my phone addiction, I guess. 
Before that I worked in retail, but that was when I was 16-18 && it sucked monkey balls. 
I went to college for some basic physchology classes but I never got a degree and I'm not sure if I'd want to be in that field anymore.