Waiting... For AF...

I had a chemical pregnancy (first ever MC) happen to me November 4th. I was supposed to be 7-8 weeks nothing showed in my emergency vaginal and abdominal scan, nothing at all that would consider my pregnancy viable. My hcg levels dropped dramatically from 205 to 46 within two days. By three days a htp showed up unmistakenly bfn. I was cleared from etopic or anything else that could be wrong, my MC was the same flow and days as my normal periods except it was two weeks late.
It's now 12/6... That happened 11/4... Where is AF. We did try again right away a week afterward. We had been trying a year already for baby 2, then our first MC :( ... It's so sad and disappointing that baby was wanted and loved as soon as we found out. But trying to keep our hopes up for our rainbow soon to come! 
So I don't even know if AF is coming this month... Do you htp every week I a situation like this?