Hard times any suggestions

Well before my current partner I was with someone for around 3 years my first ever proper relationship and my first ever love he took me for a right mug constantly cheating and lying after everything with out going into much detail I have serious trust issues and stuff after about a year on I didn't settle down I didn't want to get hurt but I found a really nice guy IV been with him almost 2 years now and everything was amazing I couldn't have been happier but he's got a job now and with me working as well we have gone from seeing each other everyday to like once a week and we never really talk or anything I'm trying my hardest to pull us back together but nothing seems to be working and I don't want to lose him my family and friends say we're great together but at the moment I don't feel we're getting anywhere it feels as if we're more friends than actually together can anyone please help me before everything goes really wrong