Ahhhh....venting time.....

Renae • 💙 '09....💙 '11....💔 '14.... 💔 '14....💔 '15....💔 '16....💔 '17....💜 12/12/17

MAN...im so FRUSTRATED at the moment, I have added 3 photos to glow of a possible BFP and they are blurry once uploaded, I can see the 2nd line clear as day on my phone yet when I add the pic its blurry and wont clear up!!!!! Ive even edited the phone to show the 2nd line and even added arrows to show where im looking...yet its still blurry!

I had what I think was ib on sat and a little on sun morning so 9/10dpo and ive never had ib before so I just new I was pregnant, but not wanting to waste a hpt I used my last opk and well it turned pos, yet when ive tried this experiment at the same dpo (12dpo to be exact) ive only had 1 line...knowing I had a box of 3 frer hpts in the bathroom cupboard I whipped 1 out..and well theres a line there its just very faint hence the tweaking, yet when I upload its blurry as all hell!!!


Breath in breath out and repeat hahaha