Hi Everyone - Update!

Kelby • 24; married for 4 years with 1 beautiful 2 year old and 1 amazing baby boy
Hey ladies, I haven't been on in a while and just wanted to fill everyone in. My husband and I had a talk about our TTC journey and how the MC affected us both. My DH is not very emotional and deals with stressful/upsetting situations a lot differently than I do. I noticed a change in the way he had been acting. I didn't think much of it because when I ask him he says nothing is wrong and is just tired or had a bad day at work, etc. After two weeks of feeling overwhelmed by the change I saw in him and not communicating at all, I finally nagged him until he told me everything. The MC did affect him a lot more than he ever let me know (trying to be strong for me, I'm sure) and after that occurred, he lost his motivation to actively plan another pregnancy. I didn't know he was feeling this way until that night. I felt so guilty that I hadn't pryed the information from him sooner and that it was weighing so heavy on his heart and mind, affecting his everyday life drastically. During the talk, we decided that we had both become too stressed while TTC that we needed to take a break. So I will be taking a small hiatus from actively tracking and planning on Glow, and my DH and I are going to focus on each other and just having fun baby making! We need to get back to our happiness and back on track in our everyday lives before we begin tracking and planning again. Don't get me wrong, we are still going to be "trying", but for fun. If it happens it happens and we would be more than excited to see that BFP? Until then, I hope all of you ladies continue to use this group as a resource on your individual journeys, and I will check back periodically to see how everyone is doing! I want to thank you all for your help, support, and kind words. I am sending good vibes and well wishes to each of you! In the meantime, feel free to add me on facebook if you would like! (Kelby Danielle Ellis from Brazoria, TX) Heading to bed now. Get to visit my beautiful niece, Brianna (BB), tomorrow morning. Aren't we the cutest!? ??