Heavy, Painful Periods ?

courtney🌻 • 21. Lucas Michael & Liam Scott - 9.25.15
So I usually have 26-28 day cycles and they're usually pretty normal. This cycle is nuts though. Unfortunately I started yesterday, which was my projected start date, and I've had heavy bleeding and severe pain. I'm not over exaggerating either. I'm talking a tampon soaked through once every 45 minutes to an hour. I have blood clots that are about the size of a fifty cent piece too which is huge for me! I had a hemmoraghic cyst on my left ovary this cycle so I'm wondering if maybe that's why this is so bad. I'm basically wondering if anyone else has bad periods, and if you do what are some home remedies to help with the pain? Because I'm a wimp and can't handle this. I'm in the emergency room now getting some pain relief but i just feel stupid asking for pain medication for my period pains. Haha. I just don't know what to do.