Having a moan...??



I have pcos been dignosed since August this year. I knew I had it just needed it to be confirmed so I already started to mentally prepare what I was in for. So my first port of action was 'lose weight' which I'm doing alongside that try and get my cycles to regulate by themselves whilst waiting for an appointment with a fertility clinic. But the point I'm trying to make is that I'm fed up of having pcos I hate the way it makes my body feel, I hate how it tricks my mind and I hate that it's there....i thought I could handle it but I can't every month I see that my cycle is just a couple days late I get my hopes up and then she shows. I don't even know if I ovulate which sucks even more I don't even want to take opks as I just see the negatives. I've lost all this weight and for what just for my pcos to knock me back every time the only good thing to come out from the weight loss is that my cycle is starting to regulate itself. I'm just fed up with this I want to give up I really do :(