Help help help

Symone • Growing up Learning a lot!
My last AF was dec 6-13 it said my fertility window was open from 14-17. I started spotting light red blood only when I wipe starting on the 19th I spotted for 4 or 5 days total, yesterday I thought my period started cause it drop into the toilet once so I put a tampon in that evening and it was barley any blood and the bleeding stop when I took it out later that night. I have had some stomach cramps and diarrhea for some days but it finally slowed down today. My throat has been a little sore I have sinuses and my head has been hurting. Also when I was drinking hot tea and eating cough drops I threw up. I was pregnant before and I had diarrhea and the stomach cramps and throwing up but i could just be getting sick. What do you guys think?(learn more on Glow: