Schedule induction....

Lexus • 22| Mum to one cub & expecting another| vegetarian| yoga| crunchy
Went for my 38 week check up today & ultrasound. Baby is fine with a guesstimated weight of 6lbs 12oz. I am now up to 3 cm dilated and last time (35 weeks) I was 75% effaced, she didn't tell me my effacement today. My last 3 appointments my blood pressure has been slightly higher than usual & I've been having a lot of swellen in my feet/ankles. My doctor is saying I do not have preeclampsia but she fears if I go to or pass my due date I'll develop it. So, I have to go back on Friday for a blood pressure check & she will have my induction date. Hoping my baby girl comes on her own considering I'm 3 cm and she's so low we couldn't even get to see her face on the ultrasound today.