Last week I took a HPT and it came back with a faint positive. This morning, I took another test to, I guess, confirm it, but it came back negative. Was I imagining? :(
First one is from this morning, second one is from last week.
I was planning on going to my doctor after the first of the year. I'm just so confused, lol.
Mrs.B • Dec 27, 2014
hmm... you can wait it out. I tested at 11dpo a light positive, went to confirm it with a digital two days before AF and it was negative. AF was 3 days late and when I got it omg the worst pain ever. I thought I was going to bleed out. you're so far from your period so idk
Jessica • Dec 27, 2014
I'm due for AF Jan 8.
Posted at
Forgot to mention I had what seemed like a period 2 weeks ago, but it wasn't even a period...TMI- One day of red and 5 of brown, but it was wayyyy lighter than normal.. Hm, Idk.