What do you crave more of?

Domihassan • I juts wanna be successful in life and make my dream come true

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I'm usually always happy...I don't really need more money...And my husband is constantly showering me in love....I'm satisfied with my life


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I am happy. I'll have money when I graduate college (not exorbitant amounts but a decent salary). As for love, I'm surrounded by lots of loving family and friends. I suppose I crave romantic love though! Hoping I find that special guy someday soon!


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My fiancée loves me and makes me happy because I have him I am happy so love for me I could be poor and still be happy money doesn't matter to me as long as I have him I'm happy :) 


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I have a lot of love & happiness, so more money would be nice! We got lots of diapers and things to buy, and I wouldn't mind a couple splurges myself, guilt-free. ☺️


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I crave more happiness, as I have love and money I have but I don't really care about so definitely happiness, I have happiness for everyone but just not in myself xx