Who is pregnant 6 weeks and up?

Can someone share their story's and symptoms
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I'm 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant, the only symptoms I have is sore boobs and severe nausea so bad to the point I can't really eat!!


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8weeks today. Nausea started a couple of weeks ago. Comes in waves, no vomiting. Extremely sore breasts, fatigue, constipation/diarrhea, intermittent cramping, discharge. Got a pregnancy pillow to help me sleep better! 


Sarah • Dec 30, 2014
I'm 8 wks & 3 days (: having all those symptoms as well! Thankful I'm nauseous without getting sick!


Posted at
I'm 9w5d. Sore boobs, extremely nauseous all day (only throwing up at night), not really tired, slight insomnia. 


Pam • Dec 30, 2014
Absolutely! I need buddies too! I just joined your group.


Adriana • Dec 30, 2014
Im one day ahead of you!!!! We should keep in touch?? :) i need buddies


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9 weeks 3 days. Huge boobs, soreness is starting to go away, very sick in the morning. Not showing yet, but have gained 2 lbs


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Have you guys experience. Cramping.


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I'm currently 10 weeks. I got my bfp at 8 dpo and got morning sickness at exactly 6 weeks which has came and gone week 8 was awful and now I can mostly control it. My sore boobs have came and gone, I have bad frequent urination and heart burn. Baby is doing great!


Cassie • Dec 31, 2014
oh fatigue fatigue fatigue and headaches!


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I'm 6 weeks today!


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8 weeks & 3 days today! Sore boobs from before I even found out, starting to not be quite as sore lately! Definitely nauseous but luckily I haven't actually thrown up yet. I'm pregnant with twins so I'm starting to show already! Felt like I was even showing at 5-6 weeks but I think I was just bloated. Other than that I'm just super tired a lot & I've been somewhat emotional. Also, I have a SCH (sub chorionic hematoma) that has been causing bleeding for a couple weeks now...so I can't wait until 12 wks when I can stop worrying about everything! 


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8 weeks 4 days; I have had morning sickness since 4 weeks 6 days and it seemed to have hit it's peak yesterday! I am bloated and crampy. I'm getting more and more tired. 


Sarah • Dec 30, 2014
I'm 8 wks & 3 days, with twins! I'm already starting to show, especially after I eat! Def nauseous but no throwing up!


Posted at
10 weeks slight nausea that comes and goes, really sore breasts, cramps et all. I dont know what to think about my nausea, it was horrible with my first and with my second im not really getting any....What about you!