Pregos with cats!

I have been reading a lot into the whole toxoplasmosis deal. I use to work at vets and before when I was discussing being pregnany the vet reassured me it is rare to get but to always take the precautiona of a mask and gloves and washing hands afterwards. I am 27 weeks now and yesterday my sisterinlaw was explaing how she was real sick when she came home from the hospital after birth and she thinks it was because of that. She had 2 cats whom she cleaned the litter box weekly. (They were nasty cats that walked all over everything and tried sleeping with the baby constantly) so she had gotten rid of them. Well I was concerned and just making sure I follow the guidelines to make sure I nor my baby gets this during or after pregnancy. It says to clean the litterbox within 24 hrs after pooping. I clean it within an hour! I hate the smell of it and I don't want my home to stink. Plus just having turds sitting out disgusts me! I hope this gives you ladies some comfort in knowing there are ways to prevent it.