What do you think?

Super long post but its worth it I promise... I really need your opinion.

Im in love with my boyfriend but I dont think he feels the same way... he says he loves me back but for some reason I dont believe him...

We've been dating almost a year now. All i want every day and every minite is to be with him or talking to him on the phone. We talk on the phone once a day, any more and he thinks I'm being excessive... we have completely opposite schedules and live 40 mins away, but we've seemed to manage. I only see him once or twice a week now days. He used to do a lot for me and drive out to me, but recently ive been doing all the driving. When I ask him to come over he just complains and wants me to drive over there. Im 19 and still live at home and my family doesnt really help because they say they like him but when he comes over they act all weird and stand off ish. So now he hates my family.

Recently its been cold and rainy. So I'm in a cuddle mood. When I tell him that he just teases me and says I'm being really girly. And that kinda hurt my feelings. Because we dont really do stuff like that ever but sometimes I would like to be held.

My bf has the best kisses but he says he doesnt like kissing me because he wants to keep them special... I try to understand.

A couple nights ago I got off work early and wanted to come over for a few hours. He said sure so I started driving. I was talking to him at the some time on my speaker of my car and he was saying how he wanted to see me in the morning to get breakfast but now we can't/dont have to. I told him I dont mind seeing him both days but he said it didnt matter..... I ONLY SEE HIM ONCE A WEEK and it doesnt matter... I threw a fit. I asked him if he really wanted me to come over that night or not and he just said he didnt care but now it was going to be awkward because I had just gotten mad at him... I hung up the phone. Turned around. I cried all the way home. Then cried myself to sleep.

I have always been a super chill girlfriend. Like I dont care what he does as long as hes not cheating on me. He just recently turned 21 so I want him to still live it up and have fun. I dont want to hold him back from any life expreieances.but shouldn't I be apart of that life more than one or two days a week?

He is the reason for my every insecurity... I am beautiful. I didnt think so for a while... but now every day. Every day. I have atleast two people (girls and guys. Old and young) telling me I'm gorgeous. Just random strangers. I have many agency's coming up to me for modeling info wanting me. Photographers wanting me for things. Advertisers. You name it.I turn them down because I want a normal life... But I never hear it from him.I feel I could never be perfect in his eyes. Hes always telling me I need to work out more for a better butt.. like why cant my ass be enough? I am a small chested curvy woman. Hes always complaining about my makeup and how I do it. I always change it up to find something he likes and nothing works. He still says I'm beautiful. But only when I ask why he never says it. I just feel unwanted and imperfect to him sometimes. Me and him have always been cool talking about other women. About thwir ass or boobs. But its starting to make me feel depressed because my ass isn't enough. He used to talk about how nice it was. Now its not good enough...

I know he sounds terrible but I love him. Ive tried to talk to him about everything but he just gets upset that I think he could never do anything right for me. I dont know what to do. I just love him so much and dont want to loose him but part of me thinks it would be for the best...

Or maybe in just being overly emotional and clingy. Girls tell me what you think...