Sleeping with anxiety


Im about 99% sure i have anxiety. I have all the symptoms and its slowly getting worse and less able to manage.

For new year my mom was throwing this big party. I'm already not good with staying up late so this holiday is always hard for me and the only way i can usualy get through it is to just have a "laidback" kind of celebration (staying home with just my parent and SO sleeping then waking up at midnight for a few minutes).

So anyways, big party and it caused me some ultra stress. I wasn't even the one throwing the party but just the fact of staying up late and having to help clean up after instead of going to bed at my usual 10 pm bedtime.

This stressed me out so much that i went to bed at 10 the night before then woke up around 4 am and couldn't fall back asleep. Everytime i would almost be asleep, my body would wake up in a jump/shock/panic and my heart would be pounding so hard and fast and i would be catching my breath. Does this happen to anyone else? How do you cope?

I tried everything from deep breaths, to pacing, to cooking soup (the anxiety was making my stomach hurt), to writing down my worries, but none of it worked.
