I'm so tired of this...

DH has schizophrenia...I discourage him drinking because it always takes him to a bad place. Tonight he is heavily drinking (this isn't the first time) I saw him stumbling around and I hid the bottle from him so that he couldn't drink more. He asked for it back and I told him no and he went off! My brother is here, his little brother, and our 3kids (7,6, & 3) as well as the one that I am pregnant with. I got up and walked away and he proceeds to tell my brother that I can continue to sleep with all of the guys that I'm sleeping with...blah blah blah! Then he came in here after my brother came in to talk to me about letting him have one more shot and he went off again while our daughter slept. He told me to get out and take "my two kids" (my oldest two aren't biologically his) they were in the next room wide awake. He is the only father that they know and I know that hurt them. I don't know how to deal with him any more. Is it time to let go? I suffer from depression and anxiety and this is not helping me! Someone please reply....