Hoping this is it!!! (Long)

I went off of my BC last February and the hubs and I started TTC in August of 2014. We got our BFP in September that resulted in a mc :(. Due to a lot of reproductive issues.... (I've been seeing a reproductive surgeon since I was 16 and at 19 (I am now 24) had to have a Fallopian tube and ovary removed along with reconstruction of my uterus....) My dr told me that if we were not pregnant within 6 months, to come back.   
It is so hard to track ovulation or know what month I can even get pregnant since I only have the one ovary and Fallopian tube. It's so frustrating!!! 
So.....   AF is due between today and 1/5/14. I range between 29-33 day cycles. I've been having very mild cramps for the last few days, what looked like it could have been implantation bleeding 3 days ago, breasts are sore, nausea/indigestion after eating, and 2 neg hpts :(   I'm so scared that AF is going to show her ugly face this month and shatter my hopes. Just needing some reassurance or guidance. I know that nobody can say "you're prego" or "no you're not"... I just don't have anybody that understands what I'm going through. 
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I've gotten upset, and of course I'm disappointed, but it's a new year and great things are in store. Idk if your religious or believe in fate, but I like to believe that everything happens for a reason. And if this month wasn't the right month, I'm going to keep trying until I get to my right month. I say this to send positive vibes in your direction, be hopeful, but if things aren't what you wanted keep pressing forward. It will happen, the beauty is not knowing when. ✨


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Thanks for sharing your story and I'm sorry that you feel alone in your TTC journey due to your circumstances. Stay positive and know that TTC is possible for you or your doctor would have already mentioned other methods. Even if your circumstances were 100% ideal, TTC is all about timing. We can time things on paper, through an app, but Mother Nature can have other plans. The journey is what makes the destination that much more magical. I was over a week late and AF showed her face this morning. I was convinced this would be it!