Young Users Within This App

M • preggo by day | IT specialist by night | 25 & taken
It seems this app is reaching a tipping point with its users. The forums seem to be quickly filling with young, and I mean very young, girls asking questions the older users find absurd or ignorant. Older users feel uncomfortable answering questions for users as young as 12 or 13 when it comes to sex and the are irritated constantly having to say, "we don't know if you're pregnant!"
The biggest argument the young users have is, "some people don't have parents they can talk to about sex." Well, here's where I stand on that. I never once have ever talked to my parents about sex after my mom's, "this is where babies come from," talk at 5 (yes, 5!). I turned out just damn fine and I have a healthy and normal sex life that I was able to explore naturally! I knew to practice safe sex and I knew the risks involved. 
I personally beleive that allowing young women (under the age of 18) to view the highly explicit topics discussed in the majority of the forums is more detrimental to their sexual development, as a lot of it can expose them to things before they are ready to try them, than answering their questions. Think about if you had heard men love anal and they all want it at 16. ALL you want to do is please your boyfriend, but even at 22, when I tried anal for the first time, I felt intense shame and it took all of my maturity to deal with that in a stable and committed adult relationship. Now, I, well regularly is a big stretch, but semi regularly enjoy that act with a man I love.
Anything the teenager needs to know, and all they need to know is how to have safe sex and which hole to aim for, they can find on Google. And they can buy pregnancy tests! 
Now, please do not misinterpret me. I do NOT want to kick high schoolers (and younger, think about that!) completely off the app! But I do think a "teen glow" where young users can track their periods and maybe even have their own forum is the best way for this app to continue to be of best use to the majority of users. But, I am firmly against anyone under the age of 18 being allowed in the "adult relationships" and the "general sex and relationships" forums. 
If you agree, please take a moment to shoot glow an email ( and reiterate this. If you don't, feel free to shoot them an email with your opinion, but please also leave a polite comment explaining your opinion. I will try to respond to commentors as I see them,