What's wrong with this picture?

The other day while I was at circle K gettin coffee before school, a homeless man dropped to the ground having a seizure. He hit his head when he fell and busted his nose open. He started bleeding everywhere and started to cough up blood. I did not have gloves so I did not touch his face but I called an ambulance and put something under his head. When the paramedics arrived, they took one look at him and after discovering he was homeless, refused to touch him. They told me that they dont bother with homeless people because they have to keep the hospital rooms available. They didn't check his vitals, clean his face, or check his head. They asked if he Could stand and left. Wtf is wrong with our country. We got people rioting and causing havoc over the death of a black ciminal that they never even knew and we have people who need help and care but can't get it cause they live under a bench! This world is backwards.