Short period after D&C

Tamara w. • 30, 👦🏼 Sept 16 2013, 👼🏼 Oct 2014, 🌈👧🏼 March 04 2016, baby #3 due Nov 2018
Just wondering what you all think. I had a m/c in October. Thought I was pg again but it turns out it was just matter left over. Had a D&C dec 12. I was told AF should come back 4-8 weeks later. DH and I started ttc again exactly 1 week later (dec 19). 2 weeks later (dec27) had some pinkish spotting (very light) then the next day had lots of cramping. Thought AF was coming so put tampon in but a few hours later it had stopped. This blood was bright red. Next day had a little morning spotting then nothing. Could this be implantation bleeding? Or just really short AF?