Do the good days outweigh the bad?

DH and I have been together for 5 years. We have good days and bad days like most relationships but when its bad its bad! We seem to never get along, we never agree, we dont have the same beliefs or desires.

Some examples of our major disagreements: (1)he wont celebrate any holiday at all. He said my mom and i are devil worshipping because we celebrate Halloween!! (2)everyday he says i need to get rid of my dog. Shes a rescued Chihuahua, 11 years old, whos legs were broken after being thrown out a car and are callused over where they broke, so she cant really walk. She has 4 teeth and lays in her bed all day. His reasoning "if you lay with dogs youll get fleas" and he thinks having a dog makes me a dirty person. (3)basically other than my BFF who lives in a different state I dont have friends because i cant go out. And its not that he wont let me or forbids me its that when i come home he wont talk to me for days because he feels that i told them all our marital problems.

That all being said those fights happen maybe once month or on holidays. Also my BFF believes that his little-known actions (the ones you can only tell your BFF that happen) are signgs that Im being sexually and emotionally abused.

Every other day he treats me like a princess, he'll do my nails, we have date night, he cooks, he cleans, he pays all the bills my money is basically fun money.

But are the big constant battles that wont really change worth it? I know some women live there life on egg shells about different things but when you meet them they are weak women who really need help and support to get away. When you meet me Im a big, loud, bubbly women and most people wouldnt believe 1/2 of the things we go through if they see it for themselves.

My parents have already told me that whenever Im ready they will buy me a place and support me for as long as I need.

All I wonder is it worth leaving? I know like any breakup Id end up missing him, id only think of the good things when im sad or lonely and if i came back to him id instantly remember the bad things.

The big question, years from now if I leave will I regret leaving him or if I stay will I regret staying?