Update on IUI

So as you know I took clomid this cycle, had a trigger shot, <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>, an now on progesterone inserts (100mg 2x daily). I had my bloodwork yesterday to see if I ovulated (which with the trigger shot, there's only a 2% chance you won't) and my number was a 15. While that # indicated that I ovulated and it's the highest number I've had, I still thought it should be higher being that this was a medicated cycle. For instance, last cycle my number was a 3, but I never ovulated. The cycle before that it was a 12.9, indicating I did ovulate but that cycle was un-medicated. So 12.9 for an un-medicated cycle and 15 for a medicated cycle doesn't seem like much improvement. The nurse said the number seemed fine to her but who knows. I am going to test on Wednesday but if AF doesn't show before Friday, I will go in a have bloodwork for pregnancy. Hoping the progesterone level rises then too. I have just been crampy, feeling little twinges and bloated (very bloated) which are all side effects of the medicine. At 5 dpo I noticed ulcers on the tip of my tounge (2 that really hurt) but I'm not sure it's related?! Yesterday, at 6dpo, my gums were bleeding after brushing and flossing which doesn't usually happen. Last night I had the most vivid, scary dream in which I seem to remember every detail. Not sure if anything is related or just a side effect of the hormones I'm taking. We will see in 5 days!