High Blood Pressure

Erika • 💙 5.12.15 💙 11.29.18
I'll be 20 weeks in just a couple days. I have always had a little issue with high blood pressure, but never anything high enough to be worried about. But at my last OB appt 2 days ago, my bp was 154/92. The nurses were a little concerned, but my dr didn't even mention it. I checked my bp again today and it was 144/87. Are these numbers high enough to worry about? I see a MFM dr due to previous early miscarriages and I'm homozygous MTHFR c677t. I don't even know if that would have anything to do with it though. I just want this pregnancy to be healthy. This is my 3rd pregnancy but the first one that's made it past 8 weeks. I am so anxious about this. Ugh.