First Miscarriage

Hi everyone..I'm new to all these extreme emotions and such that are coming along with this. I knew it would happen, but I didn't know how bad, or at certain times..Dec 29, we should've been 9wks5days..our ultrasound only measured 7w4d, and no heartbeat..the Dr said it could still be too early, so we had another appt set up a week later. Our embryo was then measuring 7w1d..The Dr told us we had an anembryonic pregnancy (blighted ovum) And there was no baby that had formed. This Thursday, the 15th, I am having the D&C..we would've been 12 weeks along. I tried the medication route at home this past Thur and Fri, but my body doesn't want to let go. We named the baby (even though there wasn't one) to help us with grieving. I also wrote a letter today for the memory box we are having made, I didn't realize how bad I was until I started writing. I know it is going to take some time to process, heal and everything. Just wondering if there was anything any of you did to help distract you. My SO and I are still very intimate and have been extremely close through everything, and I do have an 8yr old son who keeps me somewhat busy. And just to let everyone know, we named the baby Graysen. 💕 My heart truly goes out to any and all others going through this.