Implantation Pains

Hannah • Love my partner • expecting our first in jan '16
I know there are heaps of posts about this but can you all please explain your implantation pains!? 
Glow says I'm on 9 dpo and I've had no real symptoms until today. I had been getting light af type cramping all morning (a little strange a week before af) and then all of a sudden I felt this excruciatingly painful sharp pain that lasted about 5 seconds. I have never felt anything like this before! I can only describe it like a hot rod was inside me and was stabbing  my lower abdomen. This pain instantly made me sit up straight, hold my breath and clutch my side as it took me by surprise. The pain then moved directly to my lower back and it was gone. Since then I've just had the af light cramping. I've symptom spotted the last few months with bfn and then this month nothing and now this!! Please just even let me know what you think :) Baby dust to all my fabulous ladies! X ✨✨✨