Just some venting.

I was lying in bed this morning when I started thinking about an old friend and a cute way that she use to do her hair. As most of my thoughts tend to lately, I began to wonder if she has kids yet. I mean, she has been married for probably ~6 years. So I’m sure she does. 
As I tried to go back to sleep, I realized that I would have to check her Facebook before I could relax. I finally found her profile through a mutual friend. 
Thank the universe, she has everything set to private. I considered adding her, but she probably wouldn’t recognize my married name. Clearly, the universe doesn’t want me to do this to myself. After STILL testing positive this morning, it’s probably for the best. It's been 15 days since I miscarried, 17 days since we found out, and 23 days since my babies last heartbeat.