Pregnant! Symptoms, Dream, Question!

Lizzie • Baby #1 "Smalls" 10/13/15. Baby #2 due 04/15/19
So my husband and I have been TTC for 5 months, and I just got a BFP today. :) 
We are so so excited! 
My boobs were a lot more sore then they would be pre AF and I have been overly exhausted. Also was getting some random abdomen pains, just an FYI for people TTC, I always looked for early symptoms. 
Also, last night I had a very real was an entire pregnancy, a baby boy was born and I was so happy. I woke up and took a test, and got a BFP!! 
Here's a question though... 
 I am having a little cramping. I know it can be normal but I'm so nervous! So how many of you have had cramps early in pregnancy? It's Sunday so will be calling my doctor tomorrow. Would love some info to help until though! 