New here! :)

Lizz • Married to the love of my life, baby #1 due 11/28/16. :)
So I thought I would introduce myself. I'm 23 and hubby and I are TTC #1. We were just married November 8 and stopped using protection then. I started a cycle November 21, I started charting, and we decided to really start trying with my next cycle. Well, I'm still waiting on that cycle to end. I'm on CD 66. My temps had been so erratic, but about a week ago I started taking maca root and my temps seem to have stabilized. This morning, fertility friend told me ovulation was detected on CD 63, so there is finally an end in sight! It just so happens that we BD on my ovulation day, too! I know it's unlikely that I'll actually get my BFP, but I'm so anxious to test now..I just can't believe we timed it so perfectly without trying to. Whether this cycle ends with a baby or a period, I will just be happy it's finally over! :) It's not pretty at all, but here's my chart..I'm so happy to finally see the temp shift. :)