Finally got a BFP

I wanted to share my story because I understand the frustration and heartache that comes with trying to have a baby. The first time I got pregnant was a bit of a surprise for my husband and I, but we were so excited to become parents. Sadly, at 9 weeks we had a miscarriage that resulted in a D&C. A few months later, we were pregnant again. Again, this ended in a MC. It's been over a year since we have been pregnant and yesterday we got a very unexpected BFP! This was after me taking a test the previous week and it being negative. I then started what I thought was my period but come to find out was just implantation bleeding. It was very lite so between that and my symptoms, ended up resulting in me actually being pregnant. I know the frustration that comes with trying to conceive but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Fingers crossed that everything works out this time!