SO nervous/excited. I need your dust glow-gals!

Kylie • Mama to the sweetest little boy, wife to the best man, and puppy mom to our precious beagle! Avoiding babies for now!
So today is 10DPO for me, I'm planning to test tomorrow at 11 DPO. I'm feeling really nervous/excited because my temperature is still really high (99.5) and my cervix is almost unfindable it's so high. I've also had a TON of creamy CM and by this time I've usually all but dried up. I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up because I spend each month getting crushed, but I'm so hopeful this is it! The craziest thing is on Thursday I have my yearly appointment with my gyno, how awesome would it be if she could confirm a BFP? How are you ladies doing today? I need to talk to some TTC sisters to keep my mind busy!