Don't down play my pregnancy 😡😡

Kit • Army Ranger wife 3/31/14, pharm student, 1st time mommy to be 8/8/15 🎀💞
I don't think I'm the only one when I say, it's sometimes hard to be excited about your pregnancy when some people can just ruin it for you. 
I am 12wks3d I'm almost at in the second trimester... And monday I got to see my little butter ball grow from a cute little tadpole to a sprouting baby and it has been such a beautiful thing.  I got to hear him or her hearts beat for the first time and let me tell you, tears of joy came across my face when u heard that first thob racing. And to all this excitement I wanted to share it with all my close friends and family members (mom, dad, 2 brothers, and in laws) I sent it to my older cousin in such happiness. The text message read : hi CUZZO just wanted to let you know that mommy was wrong I am a little older than what they thought I am 12 wks and 2days and I'm as healthy as can be. I love you and can't wait to meet you."
Her response. "You shouldn't show people your ultrasound it's bad luck since your still very early." 
My heart broke. Why would she say that. Why would she rain on my parade? This was such a happy moment and suddenly turned into a "what did I do wrong?". So I remembered her pregnancy and how hard it was for her, she was at high risk from day one. She didn't have a baby shower nothing, doctors didn't think the baby would make it, and he is here and as happy as can be. 
So my thought is why? Why do people ruin so many mothers happy moments with their said stories or their silly beliefs of don't announce your pregnancy it's bad luck, don't do this don't do that. 
I think if a mommy wants to announce she is pregnant and how the process is going I think she has every right to. One persons heart break shouldn't be the next person heart break. 
I love you baby Katlin or Robert and I can't wait to hold you!!!Â