Rebuilding trust

Okay been w my guy for 2 years now ... I thought everything was fine we've moved in so quick 2013 I've never been the type to be snoopy so I never went thru his phone the first year... in the begging of 2014 I went thru his phone just for the hell of it and saw someone w the similar name as me I click on the messages and it had said something like 'can i go over' (hin sending her that ) she would call him baby n those kind of nickname I went all crazy on him and we argued we eventually got thru it bcs I found out I was pregnant. .. a couple months later I again went thru his found and found the "Kik" app (messaging) app n saw that he had girls sending him pictures I never said anything cs I was pregnant and didn't want to stress .. now I'm 6 months pregnant and I found 2 movie tickets it was a movie I never saw and the time was so early the time for the movie was 530 time he should be at work.... I still didn't say anything .. now my baby is born (October ) ..2 months go by (December) and I found just always texting I went thru his phone again and saw that he was texting a girl "send me naked pictures" i freaked out told him he lost his family w that that I wanted to leave him he beg and beg me he told me that's an old friend and that's how they have always played around w each other the next day he just left his phone and I went thru once again I saw some old messages from 2013 (when we first moved in) him texting other girls calling them Beautiful flirting w girls telling them if they wanted to go go to the movies ... some messages were from 2013 some from 2014 I couldn't really see cause I knew he was looking at me .. anyways my issue w him is that we have a great relationship as some people may see but I know he is hiding stuff from I know he flirts w other girls I have YET to see w my own eyes him cheat on me but I always called him out from the last 2 he begs and begs ne telling me he does not want to loose his family. but the problem him is he's not willing to let go of the other girls he likes the attention he gets from them idk what to do idk if I can even trust him again after just seeing all those messages
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Posted at
Stop making excuses. That many times he cheated on you? You should be gone already.


Posted at
leave his sorry ass!!!


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I feel like I just read this and my response is not going to change. You are allowing this kind of behavior to continue so of course he's going to continue doing it. Why is he going to change if there are no consequences involved? Please just leave him already. Sounds like a player. I would also go and get yourself checked.


Posted at
I agree with the other two!!!! Seems like he's going to continue doing that, also he's done it the whole time you have been with him. Stop letting a cheater get he's way and leave. So what you love him so much but clearly he doesn't love you!!! You deserve way better sweetie!!! Please leave him even if he begs!


Posted at
My friend is literally in this EXACT situation. To a T. Leave him. Leave him leave him leave him leave him!!! Please! My friend cries constantly over her sons father and I hate seeing her so hurt. They are constantly on and off. She's currently ignoring me becuase they were "off" 2 days ago and I said she shouldn't leave her son with him in case he decides to be an ass and run away with him. Now they are back "on" and she won't talk to me. So just leave him, for your baby and for your own happiness someone will come along that will treat you a million times better!! And I'm sorry if this sounds rude in any way, but I basically just lost my best friend to this very same thing, so it kind of hits my emotions. Good luck and have an extremely happy life! :)


Posted at
People only treat you the way you allow them too. If you don't leave, he doesn't have a reason to change. Get you and the kid the effff out of there.