Alright, awkward questions time!

Put under General Health and Lifestyle because I don't know what else to put it under. I'll change it if I need to and can.

Time to bite the bullet.

I was never really given an "about your vagina and stuff talk". All I got was "these are the basics of your period, use these kinds of things, call me or your dad if you need some."

Because I have the overall health of a horse, I've never had any problems but it leaves many... Questions.

I'll stick to the relevant ones here- Glow asks you to check your vagina by sticking your finger in and doing some basic seeming things. Except I've never stuck anything up my vagina. Never used tampons, never masterbated like that, never been to a gyno, nada. Basically I don't know how and am super embarrassed. My coworkers offer me tampons and I can't accept them, find excuses.

Not sure if I should ignore it or actually try to figure things out down there.

Also, because it's probably relevant- I'm 20. You can commence the jokes, I don't mind lol.