Trying to get pregnant.


I'm on the fifth day of my cycle. We are wanting to get pregnant asap. We have a soon to be eight month old on the fifth. We were told to have our babies back to back if we wanted more than one. When is the best time to increase our chances of getting pregnant? Btw I'm still nursing also....
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It took us five years to get pregnant with our son. I have severe endometriosis that I've had three surgery a for in two years trying to get pregnant. So my odds are better to get pregnant soon. The longer we wait to get pregnant the harder it is for us to get pregnant. 


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Why would someone tell you to have your babies back to back? I'm wishing you the best of luck btw! 


C • Feb 3, 2015
I'm curious too. In order for your body to heal completely it is recommended to wait 27 months between delivery and getting pregnant again...


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I also see a lady that does things the natural way and I'm doing something she has mentioned as well