Advice needed


I've been living with a guy for about 5 months now. It started out as a roommate thing because I couldn't live in the environment I was in at my cousins. He was a friend of a friend and let me stay with him.

Well of course, we flirted, ect.

He bought a new house and we moved from the apartment he was originally staying in. Now, he's done a complete 180°. He's been being a complete asshat about stupid things.

An example: we had bought two gifts each for our mutual friend's two daughters who jad a birthday party this past weekend. He didn't pick up wrapping paper so he just said to wrap it in the Christmas wrapping paper we have. I said I'd just turn it inside out and make a cute design on the white side. He shot that idea down quick saying that it was tacky to wrap it that way and I should just ise the christmas paper.

Now mind you, I'm 25 and he is 36. His father has called me immature and so has he. He stated that "compared to him at 36, I was immature...." >_>.

This isn't even half of the issues.... This isn't even 10% of the stuff that's gone down. He got upset with me one day for moving the truck from the road to the driveway for trash day because "(he) pays the morgage and (he) should get to park there."

I have no where to go right now... So living peacefully with him is about my only option. How can I tell him that he needs to chill out, listen, and start taking other people's opinions and feelings into consideration without making it a huge confrontation? I have PTSD from getting the holy... Beat out of me by two guys I considered friends so confrontation in general is just not good fpr me.