What does it mean when a guy says y'all stand strong????

I need help I asked where do we stand and he told me we stand strong and I wanted to know what does that really mean
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I would tell him that's not a real answer and demand one. For three months before we started dating my (now) finance kept telling me he felt some type of way about me instead of saying he liked me😐


Posted at
Ask him. Only he can know what he really means. Some people say stuff just to lead you on. 


Posted at
How long have u been together does he ever say he loves u? 


Zipporah • Feb 5, 2015
okay thanks


Jenni • Feb 5, 2015
Than maybe he isn't ready to say it yet. & that's not a bad thing maybe he just wants to be sure before telling u.


Zipporah • Feb 4, 2015
and no he has never said it