Late post but she's here lol

My due date was 1/12/15 on Tuesday 12/30/14 I had little cramping and was leaking a little so my mom took me to the hospital and they said I was just 1cm dailated they sent me home all day I was having mild contractions so I was just walking around and taking warm showers... About 5 just that night lol... At 1am I woke up from the pain and waited and then went to the hospital at 2am 12/31/14 got to the hospital and was 3cm dilated I was in so much pain I stayed 3cm until like 7am when I was 5cm and the contractions got worst and worst I don't want an epi because of all the bad things I heard so I just took iv medication which was making me sick... At 11am dr broke my water still at 5cm I stayed at 5cm and in unbearable pain until 6pm when I couldn't take it anymore and got the epi.. After I got it i didn't feel pain and was 9 1/2 cm  the nurse wanted us to take our time pushing wich was nice.... Long story short I had my baby girl 12/31/14 at 10:30pm.. 7lb 19in
She was so alert when she was born moving and lifting her head up right