
My SO and I have been TTC for almost a year...he had a vasectomy about 5 years ago, and we were informed by the urologist that it didn't work....anyway....AF was 2 days late, and I had all the same symptoms I had with my other two pregnancies, every test I've taken has been negative, but my period hasn't been "normal" for about 5 months. Its really light spotting..barely visible for two days, then nothing, then spotting for a day, then nothing for 2 or 3 days, then spotting. I've had an increased appetite, heartburn, crazy dreams, enlarged books, and haven't been able to lose weight no matter what I do. I've also felt what I've been told are phantom kicks. I can actually see my stomach move. I've taken around 30 pregnancy tests in the past 4 months and all were obviously negative. I have no idea what's going on, has anyone else experienced this?