Redeem yourself?

How would you redeem yourself from being naieve? Recently got lied to by this guy i am talking to. He is not my boyfriend & we both agreed right now is not the time for a relationship. So i could not call him out on his bullshit without sounding overly desperate & jealous...which isnt a good look. But instead i went along with his lies , just for the sake of not looking insecure. its a tough situation to be ... so my question is, if i pull back a lot..stop communicating with him for a while, stop sounding interested & get the ball back in my court. Will he still look at me as being that naieve chick who believed his bullshit? Or will he have an oh shit moment like maybe she didnt believe me which is why she is being distant?.. i heard pulling away from a guy would make him want you more& you become more desireable. However, i just dont want to look like a dumb bitch in his eyes, so do you guys think walking away and completely friend zoning him will actually work? I feel so stupid for believing him.