
I'm 29, 5'3 Hispanic , 232lbs with PCOS. 2014 brought regular monthly periods,but the dates were never the same. I started taking Reclipsen the end of December on a Sunday when i got my period. I took it every day, though, In the last week (placebo week), I missed two days so I took two at the same time. I had insurance issues refilling RX, so i didn't. The OB asked if I wanted to try to get pregnant so I had a vaginal ultrasound yesterday and saw the cysts. They're gonna try to put me on clomid. 
I got my period jan 24( after intercourse) and it ended jan 30. Today, I noticed I had slight pms pain ( had intercourse last night and I washed myself and had slight bleeding), and when I went to the bathroom today I was bleeding as though I have my period again. I'm gonna monitor it throughout the day to see if it was a fluke. But anyways, I have two questions: 
- how effective is reclipsen in making you ovulate? 
-was taking it for a month and getting off any help? 
I wish I knew when I ovulated. I don't have the $$ to buy ovulation kits. My next intercourse day is feb 14. So cliché right lol. I wish I could put one or two nights in before then, but we're both busy, and don't live together. 
Will take all the suggestions and advice.