Cycle buddy where are you?!(:

Willow • 21years old. Just began TTC in January of 2015. Just began Glow February! This would be my first baby and I could care less about gender! I hope to be blessed very soon<3

So AF is due the 22 according to glow and all my other period calculator things. According to life, AF shows up anywhere from the 22-25 of the month. Last month it was Jan 23-29 and before that December 22-29 and I think before that I began on Nov 25. So pretty consistent:) I have an average cycle of 30 days. According to glow this is my "get busy" week so that's what I've been doing and wow timing is stressful lol

Anyways if there's anyone out there who wants to share a journey where we can whine, chat, and share thoughts I'm looking to do the same:)

Waiting sucks:/ anything to help kill the time helps